Orsolya Tolnay is a Member of the Board of Directors at Sport and Sustainability International (SandSi), a swiss based “sport for good org” focused on accelerating sustainability in and through sport.
Orsolya has participated in sport ever since she can remember, and believes it has helped her in good & hard times shaping her into the person she is today.
Her sport career spans across a variety of roles in the NGO, governmental and social impact business sectors ranging from a European sport expert; Council of Europe project officer; project manager; communication and policy officer; volunteer youth leader; and competitive athlete.
orsolya’s broad experience and expertise give her a unique qualification across topics that include health, lifestyle and well-being, European sport policy, social impact management, and advocacy for the power of sport for change.
the ssf is proud to have orsolya as a member of our board advisors since our launch.